Titles - [# - B] [C - E] [F - H] [I - K] [L - N] [O - Q] [R - T] [U - W] [X - Z]

Reviewed January 1st, 1999 by Staff


Sex, guns, drugs & more. This movie has some of the best actors ever! Christian Slater, Val Kilmer, Gary Oldman, Brad Pitt, Dennis Hopper, Sam L. Jackson and so many more. This movie has everything from sex, to love, to drugs and lots of action! A thrill ride all way. The picture of the DVD version is much better than VHS or cable but does have its drawbacks. Image is not as sharp on more other DVDs and does contain speckles during some scenes. The sound is 2 channel but does ok. Not much use of the surround channels though. Much better quality than VHS and a great movie makes good for a lazy Saturday afternoon.


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